


 Event Pages (sports etc.)


 Senior Pictures

 Sports Yearbook  


 Nature & Wildlife 




 Prairie Pictures

Hit Counter

1)    How can I contact Prairie Photography?

        Phone Tom on his cell, 208-659-1543 or if you have a question, email us at info@prairiephoto.biz.

2)    How much do you charge for prints?

            Event images can be purchased over the internet. Click the link at the top of your event page.

            Custom print prices and sizes are found on the Print Pricing Pages. If you don't see what you 

            want, please contact us and ask for information or a quote.

3)     I see some on-line pictures of my ( choose one, or more ) child, sibling, parent, grandparent,      niece or nephew. Can I download those and send them to aunt Tilly in Florida?

            The purpose of the photos on-line is to make them available to family around the country so they

            can enjoy them, too. All images must bear prairiephoto.biz when used. The athlete can use them

            for their personal use. All images are strictly protected by copyright laws. Images may NOT be 

            used for commercial use or in combination or composition, such as collage or photo posters with

            photographs not by Prairie Photography.

              Prints are also available, click the link at the top of your event page, or for custom prints, refer 

            to the Print Pricing Page.