Available Light Photography

By Tom Davenport, Prairie Photography

Prairie Home


    If you plan to be on the sideline of any sport, get clearance from the Principal or Activities/Athletics Director of the school.

    The first concern in being on any sideline, whether it is on a football field, basketball court or any field of play is SAFETY. You and your camera can do real damage to

    players, coaches, officials, and other people that have to be on the sideline such as score keepers, cheerleaders and media. All of these people have some sort of training to

    be where they are. You, on the other hand, do not.

    Although your presence can injure a participant, more than likely you will be the one injured. Those 200 pound young men move at unbelievable speed, especially when

    they are close to you. They are trying to do their job and could care less about crashing into you. The girls are like guided missiles as well. They hurt just as much as the

    boys do, I know from experience.

    So, if you must be on the sideline, GET PERMISSION, be aware of what is going on in front of you AND behind you. Behind you is where you will need to go when

    what is in front of you wants to be in your lap.

    On to Exposure.