In the words of Willie Nelson, Well hello there!
Prairie Spam is a group email I will send out monthly or whenever I make a picture that makes me smile. Or possibly cry.
If you want to be on the Prairie Spam list just contact me , tell me you want to receive it and I will put you on there.
If you want me to take you off the list, just contact me , tell me you want off, and I will take you off.
Prairie Spam might have a few words reflecting how I feel at the moment. It also might have a request for attention to a certain cause. The cause will be pet, wildlife or wild-land related. If you have a cause that you think might be a good one for Prairie Spam, email me and let me know about it. I might use it, but keep in mind that organizations I consider the extreme of something won't make it. Examples would be PETA and the NRA. I don't agree enough with either organization to support it. An example of a cause I could support, but do not currently, would be Ducks Unlimited. Although tied to the NRA, DU is a leader in wildlife and wild-land conservation.
Purchase Prairie Spam Pictures
So, there you have it. Here is the conceptual email, the example of what you will receive:
I hope this email finds you with a warm and happy feeling.